Summer of Growth

Growing up, I yearned for what a small house with a green lawn and a white picket fence represented.  I yearned for parents who cherished each other, and who cherished me.  I yearned for what I had read about in books and what I had seen on TV and what I had overheard from classmates: laughter atContinue reading “Summer of Growth”

Time Of The Fireflies

In the summer, nearing the end of twilight exists that time of the day when fireflies emerge and flash their bottom.  They flutter with their long slender black wings, and light from their glowing ends glimmers among the thick grass, holly berry bushes, and maple trees.  While in flight, their bright tails are too finickyContinue reading “Time Of The Fireflies”

Baby Sprouts

I accustomed myself to accepting death at a very young age.  Death happens.  A person is born, she lives, and she dies.  At its simplest form, a leaf sprouts, soaks in the sun, ripens with color, and crumbles between the fingers in the fall.  In the spring, the cycle will start up again. I thinkContinue reading “Baby Sprouts”

Finding Daffy

The night we came home from the hospital, I slid into my neighbor’s car, and she drove us to a shopping plaza, where we parked beneath a crabapple tree.  Up the small hill opposite us, cars drove by, their headlights giving shape to a white Greek Orthodox Church.  I told my neighbor that I wouldContinue reading “Finding Daffy”