Pray for Our Baby’s Reincarnation

I remember stepping off the city bus with my grandmother.  I was, maybe, three or four years old at the time.  From the bus stop, she and I would trek up and down the Seattle hills, passing by white gladiolas and apple trees and blackberry bushes, to a house that had been transformed into aContinue reading “Pray for Our Baby’s Reincarnation”

Any Time and Every Time

For a few weeks, I had noticed those moments where I believed that Danith and I would be okay.  Our children have passed, and although we are broken, we will live on.  We will go to work, we will do our best at leaving a positive imprint from the steps we take, and we will countContinue reading “Any Time and Every Time”

My Children Are Searching

It must be after midnight.  The cars that normally rev by the house are few and far between now, and the only sound nearby is that from Danith, his breaths deep and long.  I think I heard a coworker say something about there being a full moon tonight (that was the reason for the internet serverContinue reading “My Children Are Searching”

Baby Loss, Fire Loss

About three weeks after our daughter’s passing, Danith had to travel to Japan for a conference where he was a keynote speaker.  He insisted that it would be good for me to get away, so at the last minute, we booked a ticket for me.  In my oversized white purse that I doubled as a carry-on, IContinue reading “Baby Loss, Fire Loss”

Our Babies Are Here

Danith has come home late from work, and as he sets down his briefcase he asks if I’ve seen the snow.  I am sitting in the living room where the mustard yellow cotton curtains shield the sliding glass door and the night beyond it.  “It’s beautiful,” he says, pulling back the fabric.  Snow is notContinue reading “Our Babies Are Here”